

发布时间:2016年09月27日 11:26  浏览次数:1268

期刊名称:Archives of Microbiology(IF 1.8)

文章名称:Candida prunisp. nov., a newantagonisticyeast speciesagainstpeachbrown rot

作者:Wei-cheng Liu1, Dian-peng Zhang1 *, Cai-ge Lu1, Tao-tao Zhang1, Davide Spadaro2


Three antagonistic yeast strains were isolated from plums (cv. Chinese Angelino) collected in three different organic orchards in the North of China. The strains were effective in controlling peach brown rot caused byMonilinia fructicolaand were demonstrated to be a new member of the genusCandidaby sequence comparisons of 26 S rDNA D1/D2 domain and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. The  strains are most closely related toC. asparagi(sequence similarity: 95.0%),C. musae(sequence similarity: 96.0%) andC. fructus(sequence similarity: 96.0%) on the basis of the phylogenetic trees based on the D1/D2 region of 26S rDNA. However, the strains are not notably fromC. asparagi,C.musaeandC.fructusin morphological and physiological characteristics. Therefore, the nameCandida pruniis proposed for the novel species, with sp-Quan (=CBS12814T=KCTC 27526T=GCMC 6582T) as the type strain.

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