

发布时间:2020年03月20日 10:24  浏览次数:1149

作者:Li Chen1,Chunhong Jia1, Fugen Li2,Junjie Jing1,Pingzhong Yu1, Min He1,Ercheng Zhao1

发表刊物:Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Fluazinamanddimethomorph35%suspensionconcentrate(SC)isanewcombinedfungicideformulationintroducedinChinato improvefungicidalefficacyanddecreasetheriskofresistanceinpotatoes.Fluazinamanddimethomorphdissipationandresidues in potatoes, potato plants, and soil under field conditions were determined by ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). Fluazinam and dimethomorph 35% SC was applied at two doses to potatoes and soil in Ningxia Autonomous Region and Anhui Province, China. Fluazinam and dimethomorph dissipation fitted first-order kinetics, andthefluazinamhalf-livesinpotatoplantsandsoilwere3.3–5.4and9.4–9.5days,respectively.Thedimethomorphhalf-livesin potato plants and soil were 2.1–2.6 and 5.9–8.6 days, respectively. Fluazinam and dimethomorph 35% SC was sprayed onto potato plants three or four times at application rates of 420 and 630 g a.i. ha−1 with 7 days between applications. Potato and soil sampleswerecollectedat3,7,and14daysafterthelastapplication.Potatoesandsoilhadfluazinamconcentrationsof<0.01and <0.05–0.183 mg kg−1, respectively, and dimethomorph concentrations of <0.01 and 0.129–0.677 mg kg−1, respectively. The final fluazinam and dimethomorph concentrations in potatoes were below the EU maximum residue limits (0.02 and 0.05 mg kg−1, respectively) 3 days after application. Fluazinam and dimethomorph can therefore be applied to potatoes at the recommended doses.

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