

发布时间:2019年01月23日 15:38       浏览次数:38629

魏书军 研究员






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博士,研究员,害虫综合治理研究室主任。主要从事昆虫基因组学、分子生态学与害虫防治研究,通过种群遗传学的理论与多组学的方法研究害虫入侵扩散规律及环境适应性机制,研发害虫色防控技术。先后赴荷兰国家生物多样性中心、澳大利亚墨尔本大学等机构进行访问交流。以第一或通讯作者在Molecular Biology and Evolution、Molecular Ecology、Communications Biology、Journal of Pest Science、Pest Management Science等刊物发表学术论文129篇,其中SCI论文92篇,发表的SCI论文被引2000多次,出版专著4部,主持制定地方标准1项,以第一完成人获北京市科技进步二等奖等科技奖励7项,作为主要完成人获科技获奖5项。入选北京杰青、北京市高创计划领军人才、北京市百千万人才工程、北京市科技新星计划、北京市优秀人才计划和北京市农林科学院“杰出科学家培育计划”等人才计划,荣获北京市优秀青年人才荣誉称号。担任Pest Management Science、International Journal of Pest Management副主编、应用昆虫学报、环境昆虫学报编委,兼任中国农业大学、北京农学院、北京林业大学研究生导师,中国昆虫学会昆虫生态专业委员会委员、中国昆虫学会蛾类专业委员会委员、中国昆虫学会标准与成果评价专业委员会、北京昆虫学会理事、北京农药学会理事。


2017-至今 北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所,研究员、研究室主任




















● 代表性论文

[1]Cao HQ, Chen JC, Tang MQ, Chen M, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, Plasticity of cold and heat stress tolerance induced by hardening and acclimation in the melon thrips, Journal of Insect Physiology, 2024, 153: 104619. 

[2] Ma LJ, Cao LJ, Chen JC, Tang MQ, Song W, Yang FY, Shen XJ, Ren YJ, Yang Q, Li H, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, Rapid and repeated climate adaptation involving chromosome inversions following invasion of an insect, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2024, msae044.

[3] Dai JX, Cao LJ, Chen JC, Yang FY, Shen XJ, Ma L-J, Hoffmann AA, Chen M, Wei SJ, Testing for adaptive changes linked to range expansion following a single introduction of the fall webworm, Molecular Ecology, 2023,online.

[4] Gao YF, Ren YJ, Chen JC, Cao LJ, Qiao GH, Zong SX, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, Yang Q, Effects of fungicides on fitness and Buchnera endosymbiont density in Aphis gossypii,Pest Management Science, 2023, 79(11): 4282-4289.

[5] Shen XJ, Cao LJ, Chen JC, Ma LJ, Wang JX, Hoffmann A, Wei SJ, A comprehensive assessment of insecticide resistance mutations in source and immigrant populations of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella(L.), Pest Management Science, 2023, 79(2): 569-583.

[6] Shen XJ, Chen JC, Cao LJ, Ma ZZ, Sun LN, Gao YF, Ma LJ, Wang JX, Ren YJ, Cao HQ, Gong YJ, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, Interspecific and intraspecific variation in susceptibility of two co-occurring pest thrips,Frankliniella occidentalis and Thrips palmi, to nine insecticides, Pest Management Science, 2023, 79(9): 3218-3226.

[7] Shen XJ, Zhang YJ, Wang SY, Chen JC, Cao LJ, Gong YJ, Pang BS, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, A high-throughput KASP assay provides insights into the evolution of multiple resistant mutations in populations of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae across China, Pest Management Science, 2023, 79(5): 1702-1712.

[8] Shi P, Shen XJ, Chen JC, Zhang YJ, Cao LJ, Pang BS, Liu LH, Zhang MM, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, KASP genotyping and semi-quantitation of G275E mutation in the alpha6 subunit of Thrips palmi nAChR gene conferring spinetoram resistance, Pest Management Science, 2023, 79(5): 1777-1782.

[9] Sun LN, Cao LJ, Chen JC, Ma LJ, Zhang GF, Wu SA, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, Temporal decline of genetic differentiation among populations of western flower thrips across an invaded range, Biological Invasions, 2023, 25(6): 1921-1933.

[10] Cao LJ, Song W, Chen JC, Fan XL, Hoffmann A, Wei SJ, Population genomic signatures of the oriental fruit moth related to the Pleistocene climates, Communications Biology, 2022, 5(1): 142.

[11] Cao LJ, Li BY, Chen JC, Zhu JY, Hoffmann A, Wei SJ, Local climate adaptation and gene flow in the native range of two co-occurring fruit moths with contrasting invasiveness, Molecular Ecology, 2021, 30(17): 4204-4219.

[12] Cao LJ, Song W, Yue L, Guo SK, Chen JC, Gong YJ, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, Chromosome‐level genome of the peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii(Lepidoptera: Carposinidae) provides a resource for evolutionary studies on moths, Molecular Ecology Resources, 2021, 21(3): 834-848.

[13] Chen MZ, Cao LJ, Li BY, Chen JC, Gong YJ, Yang Q, Schmidt TL, Yue L, Zhu JY, Li H, Chen XX, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, Migration trajectories of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostellain China inferred from population genomic variation, Pest Management Science, 2021, 77(4): 1683-1693.

[14] Gao YF, Gong YJ, Cao LJ, Chen JC, Gao YL, Mirab-balou M, Chen M, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, Geographical and interspecific variation in susceptibility of three common thrips species to the insecticide, spinetoram, Journal of Pest Science, 2021, 94(1): 93-99.

[15] Yue L, Cao LJ, Chen JC, Gong YJ, Lin YH, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, Low levels of genetic differentiation with isolation by geography and environment in populations of Drosophila melanogaster  from across China, Heredity, 2021, 126(6): 942-954.

[16] Zheng XY, Cao LJ, Chen PY, Chen XX, van Achterberg K, Hoffmann AA, Liu JX, Wei SJ, Comparative mitogenomics and phylogenetics of the stinging wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2021, 159(107119.

[17] Guo SK, Cao LJ, Song W, Shi P, Gao YF, Gong YJ, Chen JC, Hoffmann A, Wei SJ, Chromosome-level assembly of the melon thrips genome yields insights into evolution of a sap-sucking lifestyle and pesticide resistance, Molecular Ecology Resources, 2020, 20(4): 1110-1125.

[18] Guo SK, Gong YJ, Chen JC, Shi P, Cao LJ, Qiong Y, Hoffmann A, Wei SJ, Increased density of endosymbiotic Buchnera related to pesticide resistance in yellow morph of melon aphid, Journal of Pest Science, 2020, 93(4): 1281-1294.

[19] Ma L, Cao LJ, Hoffmann AA, Gong YJ, Chen JC, Chen HS, Wang XB, Zeng AP, Wei SJ, Zhou ZS, Rapid and strong population genetic differentiation and genomic signatures of climatic adaptation in an invasive mealybug, Diversity and Distributions, 2020, 26(5): 610-622.

[20] Shi P, Guo SK, Gao YF, Cao LJ, Gong YJ, Chen JC, Yue L, Li H, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ, Variable resistance to spinetoram in populations of Thrips palmia cross a small area unconnected to genetic similarity, Evolutionary Applications, 2020, 13(9): 2234-2245.

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