

发布时间:2022年06月06日 10:25       浏览次数:1950

肖达 副研究员

● 联系方式



● 教育工作经历

2003~2007 东北农业大学植物保护专业学士
2007~2014 中国农业大学农业昆虫与害虫防治专业博士
2014~2016 北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所博士后
2016~2020 北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所助理研究员

2021~至今  北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所副研究员

● 研究领域

主要从事天敌昆虫分子生理学和规模化繁育技术研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、北京市优秀人才青年骨干等项目。发表学术论文36篇,其中被Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、Journal of Applied Ecology、Ecotoxicology、Frontiers in Physiology等SCI期刊收录22篇(第一或通讯作者16篇),授权发明专利3项、实用新型专利4项,参编专著1部。

● 课题项目


● 代表性论著

[1] Tian RB#, Chen X, Wu MM, Xu QX, Wang S, Zang LS*,Xiao D*. 2022. The molecular properties and roles ofPannierinHarmonia axyridis’s metamorphosis and melanin synthesis . Frontiers in Physiology. 13: 909258

[2]Xiao D#, Chen X#, Tian RB, Wu MM, Zhang F, Zang LS, Harwood J. Wang S*. 2020. Molecular and potential regulatory mechanism of melanin synthesis inHarmonia axyridis. International Journal of Molecular Science. 21: 2088.

[3] Chen X#,Xiao D#, Du XY, Zhang F, Zang LS, Wang S*. 2019. Impact of polymorphism and abiotic conditions on prey consumption byHarmonia axyridis. Entomologia Generalis. 39: 251-258.

[4] Jaworski CC#,Xiao D#, Xu QX, Ramirez-Romero R, Guo XJ, Wang S*, Desneux N. 2019. Varing the spatial arrangement of synthetic herbivore-induced plant volatiles and companion plants to improve conservation biological control. Journal of Applied Ecology. 56: 1176-1188.

[5]Xiao D#, Zhao J, Guo XJ, Zhang F, Chen HY, Qu MM, Zhai WG, Desneux N, Wang S*. 2016. Sublethal effect of imidacloprid on the predatory seven-spot ladybird beetleCoccinella septempunctata. Ecotoxicology. 25: 1782-1793.

[6] Wang Y#,Xiao D#, Wang R, Li F, Zhang F, Wang S*. 2016. Deep sequencing-based transcriptome analysis reveals the regulatory mechanism ofBemisia tabaci(Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) nymph parasitized byEncarsia sophia(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). PLoS ONE. 11(6): e0157684.

[7]Xiao D#, Zhao J, Guo X, Li S, Zhang F, Wang S*. 2016. Sublethal effect of beta-cypermethrin on development and fertility of the Asian multi-coloured ladybird beetleHarmonia axyridis. Journal of Applied Entomology. 140: 598-608.

[8]Xiao D#, Xu JP, Liang X, Li QQ, Gao XW, Yao JX, Zhu KY*. 2015. Clathrin-dependent endocytosis plays a predominant role in cellular uptake of double-stranded RNA in the red flour beetle. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 60: 68-77.

[9]Xiao D#, Yang T, Desneux N, Han P, Gao XW*. 2015. Assessment of sublethal and transgenerational effects of pirimicarb on the wheat aphidsRhopalosiphum padiandSitobion avenae. PLoS ONE. 10(6): e0128936.

[10] 陈旭,田仁斌,徐庆宣,李姝,王甦,臧连生,肖达*. 多巴脱羧酶对异色瓢虫生殖力的调控机制. 昆虫学报. 2022, 65(1): 1-9.

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