

发布时间:2022年06月06日 10:01       浏览次数:3013

曹利军 副研究员

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● 个人简介
博士,副研究员。主要从事害虫防控技术、昆虫基因组学和分子生态学研究。以第一或通讯作者在Molecular EcologyCommunications BiologyMolecular Ecology Resources等刊物发表学术论文17篇,其中SCI论文14篇,以主要完成人获北京市科技进步二等奖等科技奖励3项。

● 教育工作经历

2005~2009 山东农业大学动植物检疫专业 学士

2011~2016 北京林业大学森林保护专业 博士

2016~2021 北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所 助理研究员

2022~至今 北京市农林科学院植物保护研究所 副研究员






[1] Cao LJ, Song W, Chen JC, Fan XL, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ*, Population genomic signatures of the oriental fruit moth related to the Pleistocene climates, Communications Biology, 2022, 5(1): 142.

[2] Cao LJ, Li BY, Chen JC, Zhu JY, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ*, Local climate adaptation and gene flow in the native range of two co-occurring fruit moths with contrasting invasiveness, Molecular Ecology, 2021, 30(17): 4204-4219.

[3] Cao LJ, Song W, Yue L, Guo SK, Chen JC, Gong YJ, Hoffmann AA, Wei SJ*, Chromosome‐level genome of the peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii (Lepidoptera: Carposinidae) provides a resource for evolutionary studies on moths, Molecular Ecology Resources, 2021, 21(3): 834-848.

[4] Ma L#Cao LJ#, Hoffmann AA, Gong YJ, Chen JC, Chen HS, Wang XB, Zeng AP, Wei SJ*, Zhou ZS*, Rapid and strong population genetic differentiation and genomic signatures of climatic adaptation in an invasive mealybug, Diversity and Distributions, 2020, 26(5): 610-622.

[5] Cao LJ, Gao YF, Gong YJ, Chen JC, Chen M, Hoffmann A, Wei SJ*, Population analysis reveals genetic structure of an invasive agricultural thrips pest related to invasion of greenhouses and suitable climatic space, Evolutionary Applications, 2019, 12(10): 1868-1880.

[6] Cao LJ*, Jiang WB & Hoffmann AA*. Life history effects linked to an advantage for wAu Wolbachia in DrosophilaInsects, 2019, 10(5): 126.

[7] Cao, LJ, Wang, ZH, Gong, YJ, Zhu, L, Hoffmann, AA & Wei, SJ*. (2017) Low genetic diversity but strong population structure reflects multiple introductions of western flower thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) into China followed by human-mediated spread. Evolutionary Applications10, 391-401.

[8] Cao, LJ, Li, ZM, Wang, ZH, Zhu, L, Gong, YJ, Chen, M & Wei, SJ*. (2016) Bulk development and stringent selection of microsatellite markers in the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalisScientific Reports6, 26512.

[9] Cao, LJ#, Wei, SJ#, Hoffmann, AA, Wen, JB & Chen, M*. (2016) Rapid genetic structuring of populations of the invasive fall webworm in relation to spatial expansion and control campaigns. Diversity and Distributions22, 1276-1287.

[10] Cao, LJ, Wen, JB, Wei, SJ, Liu, J, Yang, F & Chen, M*. (2015) Characterization of novel microsatellite markers for Hyphantria cunea and implications for other Lepidoptera. Bulletin of Entomological Research105, 273-84.

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