

发布时间:2022年06月06日 10:17       浏览次数:2286

王训成 副研究员

● 联系方式


● 教育工作经历


● 研究领域

主要从事果树真菌病害的基因组学研究,包括致病真菌的基因组进化、真菌与寄主的基因组互作以及果树的抗病机制等。发表学术论文17篇,其中在PNASThe Plant JournalNew phytologistGenome BiologyMolecular plantSCI杂志发表第一或共同第一作者文章8篇,参编专著1部。

● 代表性论著

(1) Hua Zhou#, Wei Zhu#Xuncheng Wang#, Yeting Bian, Yan Jiang, Jian Li, Lixia Wang, Ping Yin, Xing Wang Deng, Dongqing Xu. A missense mutation in WRKY32 converts its function from a positive regulator to a repressor of photomorphogenesis. New Phytologist, 2021, doi: 10.1111/nph.17932.

(2) Xuncheng Wang#, Mei Yang#, Diqiu Ren#, William Terzaghi, Xing Wang Deng*, Guangming He*. Cis-regulated alternative splicing divergence and its potential contribution to environmental responses in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 2019, 97(3):555-570.

(3) Diqiu Ren#Xuncheng Wang#, Mei Yang, Li Yang, Guangming He*, Xing Wang Deng*. A new regulator of seed size control in Arabidopsis identified by a genome-wide association study. New Phytologist, 2019, 222(2):895-906.

(4) Hong Yang#Xuncheng Wang#, Yongxuan Wei#, Zhi Deng, Hui Liu, Jiangshu Chen, Longjun Dai, Zhihui Xia*, Guangming He*, Dejun Li*. Transcriptomic analyses reveal molecular mechanisms underlying growth heterosis and weakness of rubber tree seedlings. BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18:10.

(5) Mei Yang#Xuncheng Wang#, Diqiu Ren, Hao Huang, Miqi Xu, Guangming He* and Xing Wang Deng*. Genomic architecture of biomass heterosis in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2017, 114(30): 8101-8106.

(6) Dejun Li#Xuncheng Wang#, Zhi Deng, Hui Liu, Hong Yang, Guangming He*. Transcriptome analyses reveal molecular mechanism underlying tapping panel dryness of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis). Sci Rep, 2016; 6: 23540.

(7) Yuqiu Wang#Xuncheng Wang#, Wei Deng, Xiuduo Fan, Ting-Ting Liu, Guangming He, Runsheng Chen, William Terzaghi, Danmeng Zhu*, Xing Wang Deng*. Genomic features and regulatory roles of intermediate-sized non-coding RNAs in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant. 2014 7(3):514-27.

(8) Guangming He#*, Beibei Chen#Xuncheng Wang#, Xueyong Li#, Jigang Li#, Hang He, Mei Yang, Lu Lu, Yijun Qi, Xiping Wang, Xing Wang Deng*, Conservation and Divergence of Transcriptomic and Epigenomic Variation in Maize Hybrids, Genome Biology, 2013, 14: R57.

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